New Books April 2012

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Nobel Genes

So this was a real fast read with quite a twist!  If you are looking for something quick and good, pick this one up!  Check out the synopsis!

"It's tough to measure up to your parents' expectations. Imagine how much harder it would be if your mother told you that your biological father—whom you'd never met—was a Nobel prize-winning genius? What if, after years of testing and tutoring, you never showed that particular spark of brilliance? What if you found out that you'd been living a lie, and that the truth was darker than you could have imagined?

Does it matter who you come from? Or are we all just made from dust?

In Rune Michaels's most powerful novel yet, she examines the fragile emotions surrounding finding out who we are and what we’re made of." -  

I would give it 3 stars...check out all the books I'm reading on goodreads:

Up next: XVI by Julia Karr

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