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Monday, January 24, 2011

Fairy Tale by Cyn Balog

Well I have just been a reading machine this year so far!  I finally finally finally was able to read this book over last weekend and enjoyed it very much!  In fact, it is checked out right now because the day I returned it, someone asked me if it was good and I told them yes so they checked it out!  I love when I can recommend the books I've read to Teens and they end up enjoying them!  Which is the reason for this blog!  I know sometimes Teens get busy and dont have time to come in and talk to me.  Hopefully though they can use this blog as a tool and see what I have been reading and recommending!!!  So here it is....another fairy tale book to add to my growing obsession of fairy tale books!

Check out the synopsis:

"A captivating and witty dark fantasy that will have girls lusting after it.

Morgan Sparks has always known that she and her boyfriend, Cam, are made for each other. But when Cam’s cousin Pip comes to stay with the family, Cam seems depressed. Finally Cam confesses to Morgan what’s going on: Cam is a fairy. The night he was born, fairies came down and switched him with a healthy human boy. Nobody expected Cam to live, and nobody expected his biological brother, heir to the fairy throne, to die. But both things happened, and now the fairies want Cam back to take his rightful place as Fairy King.

Even as Cam physically changes, becoming more miserable each day, he and Morgan pledge to fool the fairies and stay together forever. But by the time Cam has to decide once and for all what to do, Morgan’s no longer sure what’s best for everyone, or whether her and Cam’s love can weather an uncertain future."

...also note: Cyn Balog is the author of Sleepless (which I reviewed over the Summer) and she will have a new book coming out this year entitled Starstruck (July 12, 2011)!!!

Coming up next:  Teenage Waistland which I will finish by this weekend!!!  Stay posted!

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